This is me and my wonderful husband Dan at the Rainforest Cafe. ;) We were celebrating 8 years of being together. The Rainforest Cafe was so pretty! There were ginormous fish tanks everywhere and the dining area was set up like an actual rainforest. If you have kids, it would be a
great place to take them. Dan and I were one of the few couples without rugrats. ;) We never really go downtown, except for the occasional trip to the beach or shopping with my sisters. It was cheaper to do Valet Parking then in a parking garage, so that's what we did. Well anyway, we're dressed nicely excited about our big date riding in Dan's maroon 85 Oldsmobile. Dan was hit by a semi-truck this past January and his car obvioulsy suffered the effects because the whole driver's side is dented pretty badly. Thank God Dan was okay! So anyway, we pull up to valet and Dan tells the valet driver, "Make sure you don't make any dents in the car!" It took the driver a few seconds to catch on and realize that Dan was kidding. ;) It was just so funny pulling up to a nice place downtown in Dan's beat up pimp mobile. ;) Ahhh....good times.
At 7:33 AM,
Frema said…
Luke and I went there once. Good stuff. Great Banana Fosters.
At 11:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hahaha Dan is so funny I can totally picture that situation w/valet parking guys...haha LOVE YOU-EMMO
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