Sam In The City

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Paul Bunion

My wonderful sister Bree, a.k.a. Frema came in from Indianapolis with her beau Luke yesterday. I always get excited when they come in, especially when they stay with me and Dan! I love playing hostess, even if it only means offering cold beverages and the limited food choices in my refridgerator. ;) Everytime Bree leaves a get a bit sad and try get her to stay, even if just for a minute longer. I guess asking her to rub my feet wasn't the best way to lure her into staying. It was worth a shot though. ;)

So I went to the foot doctor today so he could look at the protruding bones sticking out on the sides of my big toes. Diagnosis, bunions. Cure, surgery on my left foot. I've decided to name the bunion Paul because it sounds a lot nicer when talking about it. The doctor was really nice and explained everything well, so that made it easier for me. My party session last night, however, did not help this 10:00a.m. doctor appointment run smoothly.

Dan and I woke up this morning, took our coffee to go and groggily drove to have my abnormal feet examined. I was totally fine on the ride there and in the patient waiting area room. When we were in the examining room though, my stomach "dropped". I believe that a #2 (in regards to bowel movements) gives your stomach three warnings to get your ass in the bathroom! To make a long story short, my stomach skipped straight from a warning #1 to warning #3 in the examining room. I cursed my self for indulging in greasy pizza, wine and beer last night after making 4-5 trips to the restroom during this visit. Of course I lied to the nurse and said I was fighting a flu that I couldn't get rid of, but nevertheless it was utterly embarrassing. I mean the office wasn't huge, everyone saw me entering and exiting the one room restroom a million times within the 20 minutes of Dan and I waiting in the examining room.

Anywho, I'm feeling soooooo much better now and have decided to be lazy and lay around all day. I always have a hard time relaxing and am infamous for making list and sporadically cleaning like a mad woman, but not today. Nope. I'm just gonna sit my unshowered butt on the couch, watch a movie and then cheer for the White Sox with the rest of the proud Chicagoans tonight at 7:oop.m. ;)


  • At 9:27 AM, Blogger Frema said…

    This entry makes me laugh. I love you for talking about #2.

  • At 9:29 AM, Blogger Luke said…

    Yeah, and if you have to go even a little bit, coffee will help push it right out of you.


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