Knock, Knock...
As I sit here typing, Dan and I can hear our neighbors SCREAMING at each other through the walls. This is not something new, as the unhappily married couple next door often has shouting matches at one another.
This past Saturday, Dan and I invited two friends to come over and play cards. I like having people over, but we always have to be very aware of the noise level because the walls are so thin you could hear someone farad. We were all having a great time playing cards, listening to some tunes and drinking a few beers. In the middle of our game, we heard very hard and loud obnoxious banging on our kitchen wall. The banging was so bad that the clock on our wall shook. Honestly, I am always the one on music patrol and always make sure that the level is kept low, in consideration of our neighbors. The speakers are not even on the floor or against a wall to avoid any annoying bass vibrations to those who live underneath and to the sides of us. After the crazes banged on our wall twice, I banged back once out of anger and then turned the music down to a ridiculously low level.
After the banging match ended, we continued to play cards without any further interruptions...Until our door buzzer sounded about twenty minutes later. We never buzz anyone into our building unless we are expecting them because you never know what nut case is on the loose. If it's someone we know, they call to let us know they're waiting to be let in. Anyway, I ran to the door to see if anyone was coming and heard footsteps coming up to our floor. I hurriedly moved the dart board to look through our peep hole, to see two Chicago police officers standing outside our door knocking. As I opened the apartment door, I was mentally cursing the crazy neighbors out for calling the cops on us. I asked the policemen if they'd like to come in and they said no, and asked if we were having a party. I told the seemingly friendly policemen that we were just playing cards with a few friends when we heard a neighbor banging obnoxiously on our wall. They kindly said to make sure we kept the music low due to a complaint that was called in.
After the police left I was really bummed. Even though nothing bad happened to us, I felt very angry and embarrassed that the cops were called on us. I know some of you may be thinking that our music was probably too loud or that I shouldn't have banged back...But you had to be here to truly understand. The music was low and the insane banging was unnecessary.
We also had a little scare yesterday evening when Dan found that our storage space lock had been cut off! In my paranoid mind I thought that someone was out to get us, especially after the police incident. It turns out that our landlord forgot that he told us to use that specific storage space, rather than the one labeled with our apartment number, because that one was occupied when we moved in. I called our landlord to let the company know how upset we were that our belongings were exposed this weekend because our lock had been cut. A rep from the realty company apologized and said we would be reimbursed for the new lock we purchased.
This weekend has not been our first ill encounter with the people who live around us and I'm sure it will not be the last. This past December a neighbor hit Danes parked car and cracked his tail light. When it happened, Dan heard the noise and went to our balcony and saw the neighbor's van pulling away. The next morning when Dan approached the neighbor about it, he said that he didn't do it. A few minutes later that same neighbor came to our door apologizing, saying that his wife hit the car and she was scared to tell her husband she did it. Yea, real nice that the poor woman is scared of her husband.
What it all comes down to is that Dan and I would like to buy a house. However, until we save more cajole, this is not an option. Although we could move into another apartment, this one is great...Despite some neighborly issues. The rent is very reasonable, we don't have to pay gas and it's pretty big for a one bedroom apartment. It can just be frustrating to want to advance, but not be able to because of money. In the meantime, we'll be fine, because we have each other and that's enough.
This past Saturday, Dan and I invited two friends to come over and play cards. I like having people over, but we always have to be very aware of the noise level because the walls are so thin you could hear someone farad. We were all having a great time playing cards, listening to some tunes and drinking a few beers. In the middle of our game, we heard very hard and loud obnoxious banging on our kitchen wall. The banging was so bad that the clock on our wall shook. Honestly, I am always the one on music patrol and always make sure that the level is kept low, in consideration of our neighbors. The speakers are not even on the floor or against a wall to avoid any annoying bass vibrations to those who live underneath and to the sides of us. After the crazes banged on our wall twice, I banged back once out of anger and then turned the music down to a ridiculously low level.
After the banging match ended, we continued to play cards without any further interruptions...Until our door buzzer sounded about twenty minutes later. We never buzz anyone into our building unless we are expecting them because you never know what nut case is on the loose. If it's someone we know, they call to let us know they're waiting to be let in. Anyway, I ran to the door to see if anyone was coming and heard footsteps coming up to our floor. I hurriedly moved the dart board to look through our peep hole, to see two Chicago police officers standing outside our door knocking. As I opened the apartment door, I was mentally cursing the crazy neighbors out for calling the cops on us. I asked the policemen if they'd like to come in and they said no, and asked if we were having a party. I told the seemingly friendly policemen that we were just playing cards with a few friends when we heard a neighbor banging obnoxiously on our wall. They kindly said to make sure we kept the music low due to a complaint that was called in.
After the police left I was really bummed. Even though nothing bad happened to us, I felt very angry and embarrassed that the cops were called on us. I know some of you may be thinking that our music was probably too loud or that I shouldn't have banged back...But you had to be here to truly understand. The music was low and the insane banging was unnecessary.

This weekend has not been our first ill encounter with the people who live around us and I'm sure it will not be the last. This past December a neighbor hit Danes parked car and cracked his tail light. When it happened, Dan heard the noise and went to our balcony and saw the neighbor's van pulling away. The next morning when Dan approached the neighbor about it, he said that he didn't do it. A few minutes later that same neighbor came to our door apologizing, saying that his wife hit the car and she was scared to tell her husband she did it. Yea, real nice that the poor woman is scared of her husband.
What it all comes down to is that Dan and I would like to buy a house. However, until we save more cajole, this is not an option. Although we could move into another apartment, this one is great...Despite some neighborly issues. The rent is very reasonable, we don't have to pay gas and it's pretty big for a one bedroom apartment. It can just be frustrating to want to advance, but not be able to because of money. In the meantime, we'll be fine, because we have each other and that's enough.
At 9:12 PM,
Frema said…
That SO sucks! Just for kicks, you might want to try at least looking at other apartments, just to compare. At the very least, tell your landlord what's up. That way, if they get super-crazy, you can at least have some documentation.
At 9:20 PM,
Luke said…
Crappy neighbors always suck, and they are always people who seem to think they are in the right no matter what.
My suggestion is that the next time they are screaming at each other you could call the police on them and report that they might be having a "domestic dispute" you're concerned about.
At 9:38 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Good idea Luke! ;) However, it was the neighbors on the other side of me that called the po-po's. :(
At 7:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ahhh the good old days of renting, I remember when uncle Steve and I were first married and we rented a 2 bedroom apartment, yea we had the crazies on the first floor and we were up top, they were druggies and alkies but we loved our clean, 2 bedroom with hardwood floors apartment! Then the same thing happened-at about 4:00 sunday morning a car SMASHED into our car parked on the street (instead of the lot) and when we went down to check it out, the chick driving was sooooo drunk, she had no idea what just happened! She tried to get in her car and leave. Anyway we found out just a few years ago that we had some money from the insurance company in our name through the state's lost money program from that car crash. weird huh?
Love auntie Di
At 3:51 PM,
Lost A Sock said…
Hey the house next door to us is currently sporting a "For Rent" sign on the front lawn, at only $600 per month. ...but if we can't be neighbors I can at least I can offer a "that SUCKS" about your neighbors, and best wishes with your house savings. :0)
At 8:05 PM,
butterflygirl said…
Not matter where you live, you are always going to have a "bad" neighbor. Hope you can get that house soon-at least you won't have to worry about the walls.
At 7:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Miles and I have been on both sides of the noisy neighbor syndrome. When we young, a very long time ago, our neighbor complained to our landlord that we were having wild parties and were stomping on the floor. We had beautiful wooden floor but apparently no sound-proofing. So when we walked across our lovely floor, it bothered our neighbors below us.
On the other hand, we have had neighbors play music so loud that their music is louder than our television inside our house in the same room.
Sometimes, I think that the only solution is to live on a farm or in a cave, but that would not be any fun either.
At 3:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
There are always problems with any place you can live. Water coming into the house ... noise. That is just the way it is some times. It can get better, if people learn to take care of each other.
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