The 4 D's...

The 4 D's:
1. Dr. K (foot doctor and bunion alertest)
2. Dr. B (dermatologist who told me I have acne that needs to have "preventative measures taken")
3. Dr. A (my dentist who is at the top of my shit list today)
4. Dan (my amazing husband who somehow manages to keep me sane)
So anyway, since this past Saturday I have seen ALL of these men only to get bad news. It turns out that I have to have surgery on my left foot, take a pill and apply topical ointment daily to get rid of a cyst and the alleged acne that appeared to horrify the dermatologist. Is my acne that bad guys?!? But none of these things tick my off more than my visit to the dentist today. Before I get into it though, I should tell you that my morning started off leaving the apartment early to get donuts for my students from Dunkin Donuts. I told them that if another teacher complimented them in the hall I would bring them a special treat, and I was genuinely happy to do so. Anywho, I took a different route to work today to get to Dunkin Donuts and on the way, my ghetto, pimp-ass ride decided to slowly die out without no warning on 63rd street (a fairly busy street in Chicago.) Thank God I was driving with the death mobile in the right lane. Anyway, after using all of my strength to turn the steering wheel...bye-bye power steering fluid, I called Dan to come and get me. A few seconds later I called him back because the car decided to run. Anyway, by the grace of God I made it to work safely and even risked the ride to Jewel to get the kids donuts, which they happily gobbled up later in the day. (I was going to go to Dunkin Donuts but I didn't make my left hand turn because the turning lane was stopped, and I didn't want the beast to die out again. Using the brakes, although necessary, makes the beast mad!)
The kids had a good day and I really felt like they were excited about the things we learned in class. Well after school I had a date with D #3, my dentist Dr. A. I wasn't too eager to attend this appointment, seeing as my previous appointment was rudely cancelled when I was five minutes from the office after fighting traffic and the receptionist called me and snobbily told me I was late, and then apologized after she realized SHE messed up the time. Grrrr! Anyway, today I had the pleasure of waiting a half an hour for D #3 after walking to the dentist office from my mom's house. My car BARELY trugged down Archer (yet another bust street-you can't really avoid them in Chicago)so I didn't want to drive even further to the dentist. Anyway, the dental assistant gets the doctor after I politely complained and in the blink of an eye he was there. Now, I would go into even more detail about the actual D#3 visit, but I'm not even sure I understand what went down. I was told I was coming in to get 2 cavities filled and he didn't even touch them!!! Apparently, I had a cavity between a molar and the very expensive $500 porcelain crown my parents so graciously paid for last year. D#3 fixes this cavity and I was like okay, time to get cavity #2 taken care of, and he proceeds to tell me that it doesn't need to be taken care of now, and he can put "a watch on it" along with the other cavity I have. Wait...back up-what OTHER cavity??? I thought there were two. The last time I checked 1+1=2...but not with D#3. Anyway, the conversation became pretty heated after that and although we both stayed calm, I am most certain that D#3 understood the concerns I clearly expressed about all THREE of my cavities. You may be thinking two things right now...when is Sam going to stop bitchin' or that 3 out of the 4 D's should be bitched slapped. I'm obviously going with the second of the two. The dentist visit just gets worse after I tell D#3 I won't miss any work for an appointment because last time, they frickin' cancelled on me and it was their fault. So, he was nice about it-but nice does't cut it when someone is holding a drill in your mouth. Anyway, he tells the receptionist to schedule me an appointment to get the other 2 cavities taken care of and then I repeat to her I won't miss any work, so could we please make the appointment no earlier than 4p.m. Needless to say, she was not the brighest crayon in the box and offered me two appointment times before 4p.m., even after I told her a SECOND time I can't and won't leave work early. I didn't even care that both of the appointments she offered me were on my birthday...I just want my teeth fixed!!! Well, I'm kinda sick of complaining now and I think I have rightfully so vented.
I run almost everyday, do aerobics twice a week and I eat healthily. Yet, I still have the three D's telling me I need foot surgery, acne treatments and unknown cavities filled. They can all kiss my Mexican, Jordanian, Irish, German ass!
At 7:32 AM,
Frema said…
Poor sister!
First of all, I know your acne isn't as bad as mine, so take comfort in that. I had to go to Nicole's wedding with big-@$$ zit on my cheek.
Second, your doctor sounds like a moron. Have you ever thought about switching dentists? Most insurances will cover any dentist you choose to see, so you have more options than you do with regular doctors.
Third, I love you!
At 6:17 PM,
Luke said…
What about the D's in Dunkin Donuts, don't those count?
At 11:42 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Good point Luke! ;)
At 6:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
D in one of the funnest letters of the whole A,B,C.... deal. The only time you may not like a D is on a school paper. But then sometimes there is such a thing as a good D on a school paper.
Luke's Daddy
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