Sherlock Sambo
I feel like I've been holding my breathe with the nervous anticipation leading up to Frema and Luke's wedding shower. This past Saturday, April 1st was the happy couple's big fiesta and I have to say I'm very pleased with how smooth everything went. Frema and Luke had a good time with their family and friends, and enjoyed the wonderful presents they received, which is the most important thing of all. This post was going to be full of photos, as they paint the best picture of all. However, blogger is acting up and only let one picture upload. :( As soon as it stops being so ghetto, I can share more pictures with you all. The only visual the pictures can't show you is the story I'm going to share with you now.
At the wedding shower, we played a poem game to determine which person at each table would get to keep the table's centerpiece. There was a silver coin placed next to each centerpiece, and the coin was passed according to the poem's specific directives. It was a cute little game and everyone seemed to enjoy playing it. Toward the end of the shower, my dad's aunt, our Tia, came over to my table and pointed to the centerpiece, saying that she took one. I knew that she didn't win the poem game, so I asked her if she meant that she took a party favor instead and she said yes. Then I explained to her that only the winners of the poem game were supposed to take a centerpiece because I wanted mine and Luke's parents to be able to also take one home, and there were just enough for that. She still insisted on not taking a centerpiece, and then continued on socializing with other people.
I didn't take a picture of an individual centerpiece, but it is the glass vase with blue jewels and rose candles on the banquet table pictured below.

Shortly afterward, Tia was getting ready to go home, and saying her goodbye's. As she was walking, I heard the jingling of jewels coming from a large plastic bag she was holding. (And no people, plastic bags were not given out at the I'm thinkin' brought her own goody bag.) Anywho, suspicious that Tia stole a centerpiece several glasses of alcoholic punch later, I approached her and opened her plastic bag. Lo and behold, what do I find...the missing centerpiece. Not only did I find the centerpiece, but a handful of party favors as well. Dun, dun, dun. Busted. I actually took the centerpiece from her bag and explained to her that there were no extra centerpieces and she had taken one that belonged to Luke's parents. All she said was, "Do you want me to do a somersault out of here so you can make sure I didn't take anything else?" and I told her that wasn't necessary. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky I tell you. Although, I must admit, Tia has a little rep for displaying off the wall behavior. Don't get me wrong though, I love her to death and she'd give you the shirt off her back-just not the centerpiece off the sweets table! ;) Anywho, enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope to have pictures to share with you very soon!!!
At the wedding shower, we played a poem game to determine which person at each table would get to keep the table's centerpiece. There was a silver coin placed next to each centerpiece, and the coin was passed according to the poem's specific directives. It was a cute little game and everyone seemed to enjoy playing it. Toward the end of the shower, my dad's aunt, our Tia, came over to my table and pointed to the centerpiece, saying that she took one. I knew that she didn't win the poem game, so I asked her if she meant that she took a party favor instead and she said yes. Then I explained to her that only the winners of the poem game were supposed to take a centerpiece because I wanted mine and Luke's parents to be able to also take one home, and there were just enough for that. She still insisted on not taking a centerpiece, and then continued on socializing with other people.
I didn't take a picture of an individual centerpiece, but it is the glass vase with blue jewels and rose candles on the banquet table pictured below.

Shortly afterward, Tia was getting ready to go home, and saying her goodbye's. As she was walking, I heard the jingling of jewels coming from a large plastic bag she was holding. (And no people, plastic bags were not given out at the I'm thinkin' brought her own goody bag.) Anywho, suspicious that Tia stole a centerpiece several glasses of alcoholic punch later, I approached her and opened her plastic bag. Lo and behold, what do I find...the missing centerpiece. Not only did I find the centerpiece, but a handful of party favors as well. Dun, dun, dun. Busted. I actually took the centerpiece from her bag and explained to her that there were no extra centerpieces and she had taken one that belonged to Luke's parents. All she said was, "Do you want me to do a somersault out of here so you can make sure I didn't take anything else?" and I told her that wasn't necessary. Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky I tell you. Although, I must admit, Tia has a little rep for displaying off the wall behavior. Don't get me wrong though, I love her to death and she'd give you the shirt off her back-just not the centerpiece off the sweets table! ;) Anywho, enjoy the rest of your evening and I hope to have pictures to share with you very soon!!!
At 9:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Way to go Sambo, I was so impressed with your detective work and forthrightness to retrieve the prize. The centerpiece does look lovely in my recently painted blue kitchen. Great party, I had a good time.
At 9:46 PM,
Luke said…
You did a great job, Sambo. It was the bestest wedding shower I've ever attended.
Sure, it's the only wedding shower I've ever attended, but I don't think that anyone could top Sambo V., regardless.
At 10:51 PM,
Frema said…
I don't have nearly as good an excuse for not getting any pictures up--I've just been too damned busy!
You did a wonderful job with the shower. There's not one thing about it I would have changed--everything was beautiful, and the food was delicious!
By the way:
"...She'd give you the shirt off her back-just not the centerpiece off the sweets table!"
After reading that I nearly wet myself. Just so you know.
At 8:54 AM,
Lost A Sock said…
You did a GREAT JOB with the shower, Sam. Truly. The centerpiece poem was lots of fun, too!
When blogger acts up, a lot of time it helps to delete your cookies and temporary internet files. I have to do it every time I write an entry. Ok that's about as computer savvy as I get. :0P
At 3:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great job. The was super to have the families together at one time.
At 7:37 AM,
Kayte Marie said…
The table looks beautiful! Great job Samantha -- I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!
At 3:16 PM,
PJ Librarian said…
I have heard several tales from the shower, but not the centerpiece one. How funny! Really wish I could have seen it all in person. From what I have heard and read, you are the tops at being a matron of honor. Well done. My dearest hubby (bingo winner to everyone else) was able to bring some of the goodies home, and I must say I did really and truly eat them all the next day. They were that good. Frema couldn't ask for a better matron of honor and sister.
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