Sam In The City

Monday, December 25, 2006

Feliz Navidad, Prospero Ano, Felicidad!

I seem to have skipped all of November and most of December in regards to posting a new entry. The thing I love about this blog is that it doesn't require a stressful load of writing. I can hop on the computer whenever I have time and write. :)

(The below pic was taken at my dad's firehouse...we visited him with Donna because he was working today. Ryan and her beau surprised him, too!:)

My inspiration for blogging today is Christmas. The holidays are always a very busy time, but they're fun, busy time. I love going from one family's house to the next to visit with such a beautiful array of people. Right now I'm at my "in-laws" house and they're playing a game. Our beautiful new little niece is resting and I hear the fridge opening, so food must be on its' way out. ;) When my husband and I leave here today, we'll spend some time at our home, and then be off to visit more family members. The holidays are tiring, but truly rewarding and something I always look forward to.

I'm being called to play "Deal or No Deal"....write more later! ;)

Same day, 12:25a.m. now and I still have the Christmas spirit...I'm just gettin' a little tired. Right now my sisters Donna and Ryan are over, and Ry's bf Jason, is playing video games with my adorable husband. I know it probably sounds redundant, but I truly feel so blessed to have such wonderful people in my life. I am grateful for every day I wake up and all the opportunities and memories that are made in twenty-four hours. ;) My little sister, Donna, who is not so little anymore is patiently waiting to use the computer so she can "My Space". Don't judge her...because I have an account too! :o) It's fun. Anywho, I hope you all had a GREAT Christmas and that you enter the New Year surrounded by loved ones. I'm off like a dirty shirt-peace out homies. ;)

-->The above picture was taken on Christmas Eve at my groovy parent's house. Dan is so handsome! ;)


  • At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It was so nice to see you at Christmas! If it wasn't for your blog I would have never known that you were so sad-I'm sorry you have to feel such pain at such a young age, you have handeled it well and your a stonger person now. Also, I love you. (and yes Dan is a handsome dude!)
    Auntie Di

  • At 9:57 AM, Blogger Frema said…

    You gave the Internet a present--an update! Here's to more posts in 2007!

  • At 3:31 PM, Blogger butterflygirl said…

    Happy 2007!

  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Luke said…

    I'm glad that we got to see you and Dan for a while at Christmas. It seems like forever ago. Hopefully, we'll be in Chicago again sometime soon.


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