Happy Halloween!

Anywho, today was a fun day for me and my students. We got all of the work done that we needed to in the first half of school, and celebrated Halloween for the duration of the school day. The kids looked so cute and were so excited about Trick or Treating today! I remember the glory days when I would walk hours on end with my siblings and best gal Brooke, going door to door in hopes of our favorite candies. Brooke and I would always switch costumes and then go back to the same houses to get more candy. It's so funny how we thought we were getting over on the naive treat givers! ;) My brother Geo is over right now playing John Madden football on Playstation with Dan. Initially, my 17 year old brother called in hopes of getting Dan and I to go Trick or Treating with him, and we both declined. Besides the fact that it's obvious we're not kids, Dan and I have a monster load of candy from our students.
In honor of this wonderful Halloween holiday, I'll end this entry with my top five choices of the best scary movies! Have a groovy night and watch out for the little boogers that like to throw eggs...I was almost hit last night. ;(
TOP 5 SCARIEST MOVIE PICS (not in favorite order)
1. The Amityville Horror
2. A Nightmare On Elmstreet (I love them all!)
3. Halloween (part 1,2,4 and 5)
4. Child's Play (Part 1 &2...even though I still have to watch these between my fingers!)
5. Pet Sematary (This is by far the scariest of them all!!)
At 9:49 PM,
Frema said…
Um, that balloon thing didn't just happen to you, you know. Don't be trying to delete me from your memories so that YOU turn out to be the traumatized one!
At 10:34 PM,
Luke said…
I'm not saying when I last went trick-or-treating, but I will say that anytime you can get free candy is not a deal to pass up.
At 6:47 AM,
Sambo V. said…
You're right Luke, free candy is good as gold! ;) And Frema, sorry to exclude you from our horrifying childhood experience with the clown from "It". :(
At 5:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
How many kids came to your place for candy? We only had six. It was not like the old days. We will just have to eat the candy ourselves.
Daddy D.
At 10:11 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Daddy D, sadly we had no Trick or Treaters. I think parents and kids tend to avoid apartment complexes...maybe it's the stairs. :( Anywho, at least you and Momma D. got to feast on some candy yesterday! :)
At 1:24 PM,
Anonymous said…
Amityville 2005 was pretty damn scary...check that one out, Sam!
At 1:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Almost forgot...It was so nice to spend time with you and the Hubby this weekend. It felt like no time had gone by since we last were able to catch up. I know as we get older life makes it tough to spend as much time together as we would like, but it doesn't change how often you are in my thoughts! You're my HOMESLICE and I love you dearly, Samantha! I look forward to the next time we can hang, drink some Pinot Grigio, and eat Starbursts again!
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