Eggcellent Memories
Easter has always been a special holiday for our family because with it, comes a special tradition. In addition to celebrating Christ's resurrection, we also get together to dye and decorate Easter eggs. Every Holy Saturday, the day before Easter, all the Ma'Ayteh children gather around the kitchen table and delight in making a plain white hard boiled egg look FABULOUS!! We decorate the eggs using the special wax crayon that comes with the dye boxes and dye our eggs beautiful colors. I always wondered why there is only one wax crayon in those darn dye boxes. Don't the manufacturers know it causes World War II like fights amongst families with more than one child?? Sometimes we use the shrinky dink wraps to put around the eggs, but not often. We Ma'Ayteh children welcome the challenge of making an ugly egg artlike. ;)
This past Saturday, we continued the tradition of coloring Easter eggs at my parents house. There were three important things missing from this time honored tradition this year: the white wax crayon, Frema and Luke. While the white wax crayon's absence was substituted with colored pencils, we could not replace Frema and Luke's missing presence.
The happy couple did not make the road trip to Chicago this Easter, but we were sure thinking about them! ;) We did however, make a special egg for Frema and Luke. The other side of the egg was more artsy, but the darn flash on the camera would not allow the images to show up. It's the sentiment that counts though, right? ;)
Anywho, my Easter weekend consisted of:
1.Dying lots of Easter eggs

2. Taking goofy pictures
3.After accepting the fact that Ryan's bunny isn't a rat, I fell in love with it and played with it quite a bit

4. Looking for my Easter Basket and watching Ryan's boyfriend, Jason, search fiercely for his Easter basket, that my vindictive husband hid. Jason was seriously looking for his basket for at least an hour and a half. Dan finally told Jason where it was, the bathroom hamper. Earlier when Jason was looking for his basket, my brother Geo gave him the hint that,"as the day went on, the hiding spot got better." Basically, by the time Jason found his basket, it was completely immersed in the day's dirty laundry...yummy.
5. Pigging out of steak tacos and chocolate cake
6. Watching "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" with Donna

7. Hangin' out with the fam

(My goofy brother Geo and husband Dan are pictured above decorating their eggs. Some of their Easter egg writing decor included phrases like, "Eat me." "I'm a dead baby chicken and never had a chance at life." "I'm hard." <-- (meaning boiled, but that was not mentioned on the egg.)
Tomorrow we are going downtown to the Field Museum to see the "Evolving Planet" dinosaur exhibit. I am sooo excited about it! I'm doing a dinosaur theme with my class for April and some of May and I want to take a lot of good pictures and get information to share with my class. After the museum, we have reservations at Joe's Seafood, Prime Steak & Stone Crab, which is supposed to be a really nice place. We got some gift certificates for Christmas with a few restaurant choices on them, and this place seemed the most appetizing. My only fear for our big date tomorrow is getting lost. We're taking the Orange Line, (Chicago Transit) to avoid parking rates and crazy downtown drivers, but then we're walking from the museum to the restaurant. We've both taken the train a million times, but it's always a quest if it's to an untraveled to location. We'll see how this works out my friends. Wish us luck! ;)
Well, since Dan and I are Spring Breakin' it all this week, we'd better get started on our very important task of watching all three "Lord of the Rings" movies we rented. ;) I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday with your family and friends!! As always, thanks for reading. Over and out.
This past Saturday, we continued the tradition of coloring Easter eggs at my parents house. There were three important things missing from this time honored tradition this year: the white wax crayon, Frema and Luke. While the white wax crayon's absence was substituted with colored pencils, we could not replace Frema and Luke's missing presence.

Anywho, my Easter weekend consisted of:
1.Dying lots of Easter eggs

2. Taking goofy pictures

3.After accepting the fact that Ryan's bunny isn't a rat, I fell in love with it and played with it quite a bit

4. Looking for my Easter Basket and watching Ryan's boyfriend, Jason, search fiercely for his Easter basket, that my vindictive husband hid. Jason was seriously looking for his basket for at least an hour and a half. Dan finally told Jason where it was, the bathroom hamper. Earlier when Jason was looking for his basket, my brother Geo gave him the hint that,"as the day went on, the hiding spot got better." Basically, by the time Jason found his basket, it was completely immersed in the day's dirty laundry...yummy.
5. Pigging out of steak tacos and chocolate cake
6. Watching "Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade" with Donna

7. Hangin' out with the fam

(My goofy brother Geo and husband Dan are pictured above decorating their eggs. Some of their Easter egg writing decor included phrases like, "Eat me." "I'm a dead baby chicken and never had a chance at life." "I'm hard." <-- (meaning boiled, but that was not mentioned on the egg.)

Well, since Dan and I are Spring Breakin' it all this week, we'd better get started on our very important task of watching all three "Lord of the Rings" movies we rented. ;) I hope you all had a wonderful Easter holiday with your family and friends!! As always, thanks for reading. Over and out.
At 9:51 PM,
butterflygirl said…
Enjoy your spring break!
At 10:14 PM,
Frema said…
You rented them?! Luke and I have all three. I could have brought them in this weekend, at which point I would love to reclaim my Friends collection. :)
Also, thanks for making an egg for Luke and me. We missed everyone a whole bunch.
At 7:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Samantha, you do know you could use any crayon, they're all wax!
I love the pictures and miss you guys alot! Ryan's bunny is adorable! Can't wait to see you all at the wedding!
P.S. eggcellent blog.
Love Auntie Di
At 8:55 AM,
Kayte Marie said…
I hope you have a wonderful Spring Break!! Loved looking at your Easter pictures! :)
At 9:38 AM,
Sambo V. said…
I'm glad you liked you liked your egg Bree, Ryan deserves a lot of credit for the dying and the other unshown side. ;)
Auntie Di, you are totally right about the's just that the white one that came with the box always seemed to be the "cool" one. ;) And how sad is it that we didn't even have a box of crayons in the house...we're all getting old.
At 11:15 AM,
Luke said…
I'm sorry that we missed all the fun. But the egg is super nifty.
At 6:05 PM,
Lost A Sock said…
Hey great pictures! Your weekend looks like a lot of fun. I hope you guys had a great Easter, and have an awesome spring break!!
At 4:02 PM,
Sambo V. said…
No Brooke, we're not borrowing everyone's Friends. ;) One of the discs on your seasons kept skipping though, so Bree let me borrow hers. ;)
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