A Little Bit Weird
Frema has tagged me with a Meme that requests I share six weird things about myself. As I carefully select the unique habits or characteristics about myself that indeed "make me weird", you must promise that you will try not to judge people. ;)
Six Weird Things About Sambo
1. Before I go to bed each night, I obsessively check that our front, back and balcony door locks are secure in our apartment. I also do these little rituals when I check that my phone alarm and night stand alarm clock are set for the next morning. I know you may be thinking it's no big deal, but these pain in the butt routines take away about ten to fifteen minutes of my sleep time every night. Just ask my husband, who patiently waits until I come to bed every night to turn off the bedroom lamp. Even after I check that the doors are locked, I have to go back to make sure that I didn't forget to secure all three locks on each door. I realize the craziness of this time consuming routine, which is why I have tried to lower the number of times I check the doors, and I have to say I'm doing much better.
2. Yet another bedtime setback...I have to be the last one to use the bathroom before Dan and I go to bed at night. Even if I have just used the bathroom, and Dan goes, I will try and go again after him. I know it's weird, but you promised you wouldn't judge, remember? ;)
3. I can't stand it when unwashed dishes are left in the sink, it drives me NUTS! Today I made eggs and sausage for Dan and I for breakfast, and immediately after I was finished eating, I started washing the dishes. Even if just a few glasses are left in the sink, I feel compelled to wash them.
4. I have a very addictive or compulsive personality. When I find something I like to do or am good at, most of the time I tend to overdo it. For example, when I used to smoke cigarettes, I smoked a pack and a half a day. When I began running more, I ran six days a week, and now I can't run at all until the orthopedic doctor says so, because I have hurt my knees.
5. I'm a die hard Molly Ringwald fan. I own and frequently watch "The Breakfast Club", "Sixteen Candles", "Pretty In Pink" and "For Keeps". I'm aware that this is the year 2006, but Ms. Molly's movies are timeless classics people! ;) By the way, does anyone else out there have a crush on Randall Batkinoff?? Just wondering...
6. As I've mentioned previously in other entries, I'm not much of a phone person and have never really been one. When I was in high school and would get calls from people and didn't feel like talking on the phone, I would answer our house phone and pose as one my sisters, saying that I was not home. Example--> Riiiinng, riiinng!!! (me) "Hello?" (person calling) "Hi, is Samantha there?" (me) "No she's not, this is her sister Frema, I'll tell her you called though." I didn't do this all the time, just when I had to avoid an awkward or unwanted lengthy conversation.
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading about about my quirks friends! Have a happy and safe Easter holiday with your family and friends. ;)
Today Dan and I went to our gym to view a weight lifting competition. It was absolutely insane to watch! This one man benched 750 pounds people! Anywho, the judge asked me to take pictures with his camera as he judged the competition, and when I was done, he told me my name was going to be in an issue of the "Powerlifting USA" magazine for taking the pictures!! Dan said he never thought his wife would be in a body building lifting magazine before he was. ;) I'm thinking my name/photos will either appear in the May or June issue of the magazine.
Six Weird Things About Sambo
1. Before I go to bed each night, I obsessively check that our front, back and balcony door locks are secure in our apartment. I also do these little rituals when I check that my phone alarm and night stand alarm clock are set for the next morning. I know you may be thinking it's no big deal, but these pain in the butt routines take away about ten to fifteen minutes of my sleep time every night. Just ask my husband, who patiently waits until I come to bed every night to turn off the bedroom lamp. Even after I check that the doors are locked, I have to go back to make sure that I didn't forget to secure all three locks on each door. I realize the craziness of this time consuming routine, which is why I have tried to lower the number of times I check the doors, and I have to say I'm doing much better.
2. Yet another bedtime setback...I have to be the last one to use the bathroom before Dan and I go to bed at night. Even if I have just used the bathroom, and Dan goes, I will try and go again after him. I know it's weird, but you promised you wouldn't judge, remember? ;)
3. I can't stand it when unwashed dishes are left in the sink, it drives me NUTS! Today I made eggs and sausage for Dan and I for breakfast, and immediately after I was finished eating, I started washing the dishes. Even if just a few glasses are left in the sink, I feel compelled to wash them.
4. I have a very addictive or compulsive personality. When I find something I like to do or am good at, most of the time I tend to overdo it. For example, when I used to smoke cigarettes, I smoked a pack and a half a day. When I began running more, I ran six days a week, and now I can't run at all until the orthopedic doctor says so, because I have hurt my knees.
5. I'm a die hard Molly Ringwald fan. I own and frequently watch "The Breakfast Club", "Sixteen Candles", "Pretty In Pink" and "For Keeps". I'm aware that this is the year 2006, but Ms. Molly's movies are timeless classics people! ;) By the way, does anyone else out there have a crush on Randall Batkinoff?? Just wondering...
6. As I've mentioned previously in other entries, I'm not much of a phone person and have never really been one. When I was in high school and would get calls from people and didn't feel like talking on the phone, I would answer our house phone and pose as one my sisters, saying that I was not home. Example--> Riiiinng, riiinng!!! (me) "Hello?" (person calling) "Hi, is Samantha there?" (me) "No she's not, this is her sister Frema, I'll tell her you called though." I didn't do this all the time, just when I had to avoid an awkward or unwanted lengthy conversation.
Well, I hope you enjoyed reading about about my quirks friends! Have a happy and safe Easter holiday with your family and friends. ;)
Today Dan and I went to our gym to view a weight lifting competition. It was absolutely insane to watch! This one man benched 750 pounds people! Anywho, the judge asked me to take pictures with his camera as he judged the competition, and when I was done, he told me my name was going to be in an issue of the "Powerlifting USA" magazine for taking the pictures!! Dan said he never thought his wife would be in a body building lifting magazine before he was. ;) I'm thinking my name/photos will either appear in the May or June issue of the magazine.
At 9:52 PM,
butterflygirl said…
You definitely have some OCD issues!! That's okay, we all do. Happy Easter!
At 8:55 AM,
Luke said…
Happy Easter, sista!
By the way, about No. 2, your older sister often does something very similiar at bedtime.
At 4:32 PM,
Frema said…
It's true! But at least I don't need the water running when I pee in a public place. :)
At 7:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Your cute little quirks make you who you are! (special) and I do the phone thing too, people call and think I'm one of the kids, so I just go along with it!
Love Auntie Di
At 3:27 PM,
Ammen said…
Molly Ringwald! Love her! For Keeps and Pretty in Pink are a few of my favorite movies - and I have a ginormous crush on Andrew McCarthy!
At 6:07 PM,
Lost A Sock said…
I thought I was the only one that peed fifteen times before bed - and even if only to get that last little drop out. (Wait til your first pregnancy - I'll really blow your mind!)
Enjoyed reading, ya weirdo. (I kid.)
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