What a blessed young woman I am to have such great family and friends! The Thanksgiving holiday was absolutely wonderful because I got to be with my family all weekend.
Frema and
Luke stayed with Dan and I, so I felt very spoiled having them stay with us! :) Dan and I really need to get an extra mattress or something though so our family is more comfortable when they stay over.

Yesterday was an interesting day because my grandfather, his wife and son came in from Indiana to visit. The visit was interesting because we really don't see grandpa often, and when we do, it's usually due to a special or unfortunate event. Anywho, the visit went really well and I was glad to see him. God bless my parents for not holding life long grudges and always keeping their door open to crazy relatives.

My cousin Kenny was also in from college and lives very close by, so I spent a lot of time with him this weekend. Kenny,
Frema and I were always together growing up. We were always plotting sleepovers and opportunities to spend time together. It's crazy how fast the years have gone by. The three prepubescent sobrinos who were connected at the hip are now all in their twenties with real life responsibilities. I feel so proud of my family and all of the goals and dreams their working so hard to reach. Not to get too sappy, but I really do feel blessed and so grateful to have such wonderful people in my life.
This past Thanksgiving holiday lasted four days, rather than one. I'm really looking forward to Christmas when we will all be together again. Whether we're putting mom's sparkly Zsa Zsa slippers on our dog Styx, or just hanging out talking at the kitchen table, I can always count on a good time.

I keep thinking about back in the day when we all lived under the same roof and got to see eachother everyday. When you're a kid, I don't think you truly appreciate your siblings and parents the way you do when you're an adult. My youngest sister, Donna, will be thirteen next month and that just blows my mind. We spend a lot of time together and I'm really grateful for that. Pretty soon she will be busy with the teenage life, such as going out on dates and taking hours to get ready for them.

Well, anyway, what a weekend! I had a FABULOUS time and am trying to get my mind ready for work mode tomorrow. Have a great evening and thanks for reading. :)
At 10:43 PM,
Luke said…
Thanks again for having us. We had a great time...even though your sister and I are both looking rather befuddled in that picture.
At 10:56 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Sorry about the befuddled picture Luke. :) If I would've leaned over my ghetto balcony anymore, I would've been splattered next to you and Frema in the picture!
You two are ALWAYS welcome in our home.
At 3:49 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Brooke, I have your pie!!! Frema and Luke came back to my apt. to give it to me! :) We'll figure out a plan to get it back to you today.
At 6:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love your pictures and reading about your family. Nice entry.
At 6:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sambo, I never knew you put your sparkling shoes on Styx. You know that your brother is not going to be happy to hear how feminine your dog looks, especially knowing that Styx will be getting snipped soon. I am glad that we spent our 8th Thanksgiving together. I will never forget 8 years ago meeting everyone and playing Monopoly for real for the first time.
At 7:57 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Thanks Molly! I love reading your comments. :)
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