Because She's Broke
The students rushed quickly into class this morning to hang up their bookbags, hand in their folders and get back in line for church this morning. One of my students worriedly approaches my desk and says,"But Mrs. Villa I don't have any money, and my mom said she's broke because she don't have any money." I told him that it was okay he that he didn't have any money, because you don't need any money for church. He happily accepted my answer and went to goof off in line.
Anyway, the concern on that poor little boy's face about having money for church was so sad. It's such an amazing thing how honest young children are. A few weeks ago, Luis told me one morning that his dad did his homework so Luis could go to bed early because he was sick. I wrote Luis' parents politely telling them that next time Luis is sick, just write me a note. But please don't do his homework for him. Luis hasn't snitched on his parents doing his homework since. :) Good times.
Well, you all have a very happy, fun and safe Thanksgiving holiday. God bless you and your families!
Anyway, the concern on that poor little boy's face about having money for church was so sad. It's such an amazing thing how honest young children are. A few weeks ago, Luis told me one morning that his dad did his homework so Luis could go to bed early because he was sick. I wrote Luis' parents politely telling them that next time Luis is sick, just write me a note. But please don't do his homework for him. Luis hasn't snitched on his parents doing his homework since. :) Good times.
Well, you all have a very happy, fun and safe Thanksgiving holiday. God bless you and your families!
At 10:57 PM,
Frema said…
Poor kid! I can understand him being confused, but why would his mother think you had to pay to go to church?
At 11:09 AM,
Kayte Marie said…
I'm willing to bet you are such an amazing teacher Sam. You have always been so understanding & compassionate! Oh & about your top 100 list... I haven't even started mine!
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yep, the honesty of young kids is amazing. It is pretty funny how blunt they can be at times. A student I had last year told me that I look better with glasses than I do now (with contacts). I simply told her, "thank you," as another teacher laughed at my response. Another student told me some info. about her parents past (splitting up b/c the dad drank and her going to a psych. b/c of it) in one sentence as if it was nothing. I changed subjects so that none of the other students would comment on that but was like, "Wow." If only we were all that bluntly honest!
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