Random Memories For 500 Please...
1. I was born in North Carolina on a Navel Base in Cherry Point where my dad was stationed as a Marine.
2. I was born in the hallway and delivered by an orderly because the staff didn't believe my mom when she said I was coming!
3. I absolutely love ketchup and firmly believe you can eat it with almost anything
4. My dearest friend in the whole world, Brooke and I used to sing, "I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me" by Expose in my bedroom. Then we would make a real live music video and crack up as we finished by mooning the Boulevard!
5. My husband and I dated for seven and a half years before marrying.
6. My older sister Frema taught me how to "street fight" as a kid when we would whoop eachother's butts over the last Nutty Bar.
7. I had a crush on a boy named Richard from Kindergarten to 5th grade straight!! Then when he finally asked me to smooch him in 5th grade, Frema found out and snitched on me to my dad! ;0
8. Brooke and I would make the BEST tents in the world in her old house on Leavitt using sheets and chairs!
9. I believe I am obsessive compulsive because I check the locks to my apartment and that my alarm is set at least a million times a night!! It's really annoying.
10. This was originally supposed to be my 100 list and then I got side-tracked...Frema's gonna be ticked!
2. I was born in the hallway and delivered by an orderly because the staff didn't believe my mom when she said I was coming!
3. I absolutely love ketchup and firmly believe you can eat it with almost anything
4. My dearest friend in the whole world, Brooke and I used to sing, "I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me" by Expose in my bedroom. Then we would make a real live music video and crack up as we finished by mooning the Boulevard!
5. My husband and I dated for seven and a half years before marrying.
6. My older sister Frema taught me how to "street fight" as a kid when we would whoop eachother's butts over the last Nutty Bar.
7. I had a crush on a boy named Richard from Kindergarten to 5th grade straight!! Then when he finally asked me to smooch him in 5th grade, Frema found out and snitched on me to my dad! ;0
8. Brooke and I would make the BEST tents in the world in her old house on Leavitt using sheets and chairs!
9. I believe I am obsessive compulsive because I check the locks to my apartment and that my alarm is set at least a million times a night!! It's really annoying.
10. This was originally supposed to be my 100 list and then I got side-tracked...Frema's gonna be ticked!
At 10:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
We just made Matthew his first tent with the dining room table and he loved it.Then he demanded Grandma to join him,so I got down on my knees and went into this childs tent and The joy in his eyes were priceless.Now how and the hell am I going to get out.It was never this hard when you were little.It did bring back a lot of memories when you girls were younger. Love you Auntie
At 1:07 PM,
Frema said…
Conceived in the hallway? Are you sure you got that right? :) Also, I can cut you some slack and allow you to finish the list in more than one entry.
At 7:52 PM,
Sambo V. said…
I changed conceived to born Frema, thanks!
Auntie Betty, you have always been one cool chick.
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Although I was actually in the delivery room, both Matt and Luke were born without the services of a doctor; but the nurses did a fine job of delivering our sons.
I know about OCD; I check 482 times to see the stove is turned off and the iron and coffee pot are unplugged. But, I eventually get out the door.
Happy Thanksgiving Sam, I hope that you have a wonderful break and a great weekend.
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