WWF Match On 63rd...
Dear Blog,
I'm so sorry I've been so unfaithful to you! Instead of writing fun and interesting stories, I've been wrapping Christmas presents, going to the gym, cleaning like a mad woman on speed and doing seemingly endless loads laundry. But I'm done with all the wrapping and cleaning for now, so unless my two week vacation lures me into laziness, I will be writing more! ;)
The past few days have been sleeping bliss for Dan and I! Our Christmas vacation started on Wednesday, and we celebrated by having a few people over and partying like Rock Stars. When we woke up the next day our apartment looked like the aftermath of a college drinking party. When Dan saw the mess, he called our night of party fun, "Teachers Gone Wild". Anyway, Wednesday night consisted of a Texas Hold'em game, a lot of beer and a hysterical WWF wrestling session between Dan and I on the kitchen floor to end the night. One of Dan's friends J.C., came over with his girlfriend Lisa to celebrate our last day of work with us. The last time J.C. came over without Lisa, he told us that Lisa really wondered if Dan hit me. You may be asking, why would Lisa think this at all? Well, Dan and I are just silly and we joke around with eachother all the time in good fun. For example, if Dan asked me to get him a beer and I'd say no, he'd say, "Don't make me hit you in front of other people, Sam". I'd crack up and he'd get his own beer. That's just one way we kid around with eachother. Anyway, Lisa must have thought that Dan and I were serious because she asked J.C. if Dan really hit me! Ooops. As bad as it is, I think it's kinda funny! Dan is the sweetest, most gentle husband and would never ever hurt me. So when J.C. and Lisa came over on Wednesday and witnessed our little wrestling extravaganza, needless to say she was probably in awe.
Our little wrestling match started by me approaching Dan, putting up my dooks and fake punching him. Before I knew it, we were running all around the kitchen chasing and tackling eachother. At one point, we traveled into the front room, where I was tossed over the sofa. I'm sure the massive amounts of beer we both consumed had a helping hand in us thinking this was a good idea. The whole time we're "fighting" we're both laughing, but really trying to pin the other down so we could win the match. It's debatable, but claims he won.
Thursday I woke up with a hangover and the same headache I've had for a whole week. Dan and I couldn't help but laugh how Lisa must think I'm a foolish young woman to stay with a man who beats me. Is is bad that I find this amusing? I don't think so. I did feel a little bad that she perceived our relationship as an unloving, abusive one. But on the other hand, anyone that really knows me and Dan, knows that we're crazy in love and have a very happy marriage. The important thing is that we had a good time together and came out of this with no concussions. So if you're ever interested in some good old WWF fun, gimme a call and maybe we can set up another match.
I'm so sorry I've been so unfaithful to you! Instead of writing fun and interesting stories, I've been wrapping Christmas presents, going to the gym, cleaning like a mad woman on speed and doing seemingly endless loads laundry. But I'm done with all the wrapping and cleaning for now, so unless my two week vacation lures me into laziness, I will be writing more! ;)
The past few days have been sleeping bliss for Dan and I! Our Christmas vacation started on Wednesday, and we celebrated by having a few people over and partying like Rock Stars. When we woke up the next day our apartment looked like the aftermath of a college drinking party. When Dan saw the mess, he called our night of party fun, "Teachers Gone Wild". Anyway, Wednesday night consisted of a Texas Hold'em game, a lot of beer and a hysterical WWF wrestling session between Dan and I on the kitchen floor to end the night. One of Dan's friends J.C., came over with his girlfriend Lisa to celebrate our last day of work with us. The last time J.C. came over without Lisa, he told us that Lisa really wondered if Dan hit me. You may be asking, why would Lisa think this at all? Well, Dan and I are just silly and we joke around with eachother all the time in good fun. For example, if Dan asked me to get him a beer and I'd say no, he'd say, "Don't make me hit you in front of other people, Sam". I'd crack up and he'd get his own beer. That's just one way we kid around with eachother. Anyway, Lisa must have thought that Dan and I were serious because she asked J.C. if Dan really hit me! Ooops. As bad as it is, I think it's kinda funny! Dan is the sweetest, most gentle husband and would never ever hurt me. So when J.C. and Lisa came over on Wednesday and witnessed our little wrestling extravaganza, needless to say she was probably in awe.
Our little wrestling match started by me approaching Dan, putting up my dooks and fake punching him. Before I knew it, we were running all around the kitchen chasing and tackling eachother. At one point, we traveled into the front room, where I was tossed over the sofa. I'm sure the massive amounts of beer we both consumed had a helping hand in us thinking this was a good idea. The whole time we're "fighting" we're both laughing, but really trying to pin the other down so we could win the match. It's debatable, but claims he won.
Thursday I woke up with a hangover and the same headache I've had for a whole week. Dan and I couldn't help but laugh how Lisa must think I'm a foolish young woman to stay with a man who beats me. Is is bad that I find this amusing? I don't think so. I did feel a little bad that she perceived our relationship as an unloving, abusive one. But on the other hand, anyone that really knows me and Dan, knows that we're crazy in love and have a very happy marriage. The important thing is that we had a good time together and came out of this with no concussions. So if you're ever interested in some good old WWF fun, gimme a call and maybe we can set up another match.
At 12:31 PM,
Luke said…
I would never believe that Dan would do that for a second, at least partly because I think you could take him, if he did.
At 12:35 PM,
Frema said…
Well, if you're ever faced with a situation where you can't remember your self-worth, remember: you're good enough, you're smart enough, and gosh darn it, people like you!
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