Farewell 2005!
Today is New Year's Eve. I sit in front of my computer with mixed emotions on what to write about and where to begin. Tomorrow marks the beginning of a brand new year, a fresh number on the calendar that welcomes resolutions and changes. I've never really been adamant about making New Year's resolutions before, but this year I have a few. I guess I would have to say that these are not so much resolutions as improvements to aspects of my daily life. Rather resolving not to do certain things, I'd like to look at how I can improve my quality of life.
And the categories are...

Dan and I have been married for almost five months now! ;) He's a great husband and I'm completely head over heels for him. We're very affectionate and loving toward eachother, so no improvements needed there. However, I'm going to work on showing Dan more appreciation for being such a great husband and friend. I realize how blessed we are to have found eachother so young.
I feel bad about not going to church more than I do. For a while Dan and I were going on a somewhat of a regular basis, but we've just gotten lazy. I keep thinking about when we have children and how we'll want to go to church as a family every week. How will we go as a family if we're not even going now? I definitely want to improve my church attendance with the coming of the New Year. I need to set the alarm on Sunday and stop the groaning. After all, the early bird does catch the worm. ;)
I love my job! I put my heart and soul into my job because I love teaching. For 2006, I'll continue to think of new fun and creative ways to teach my students. I won't stray away from pursuing a lesson because of massive prep time! I'd also like to push myself to answer a difficult career effecting question: Public or parochial? If I plan on making a move to teach in the public schools, I need to do so soon. If I worked at a public school, my salary would increase by about twelve thousand dollars! On the flip side, I love teaching religion and am fortunate enough to be teaching the grade I believe to be my calling. Go Kindergarten! These are just a few of the factors that are involved in this decision making process. Wish me luck! ;)
Family and Friends
Anybody who knows me, knows that I'm really not a phone person. It's terrible, but sometimes I don't even answer my cell when it rings or even call back until the next day. I'd like to get rid of that bad phone etiquette. Although I'm not a big phone person, I do believe it is important to keep close touch with those you love. I'd like to make an effort this year to call my family and friends more. (The above picture is of Brooke and I when I was about twelve and she ten...oh how time flys!)
I love working out, but life gets so busy that I neglect my "me time", which is time I truly enjoy for myself. I'd like to set a realistic gym schedule for myself.
My dear older sister, Breain, introduced me into the wonderful world of blogging. I know that my writing doesn't get a lot of comments or outside attention, but it's important to me. I like having a "journal" to share with family, friends and acquaintances. I'm going to try to be more of a consistent blogger. Thank you all for reading and taking an interest in what's going on with me. ;)
I want to work on being smarter with my finances. With that I mean, reading the Suze Orman book that Frema bought for me. Dan and I really want to be in a house within the next few years and I want to be readily prepared and educated for this huge step in our lives. Thanks Frema! I love you.
Well bloggers of the world, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Eat, drink and be merry in the comin of 2006! God bless you all and thanks for reading Sam In The City! ;)
And the categories are...

Dan and I have been married for almost five months now! ;) He's a great husband and I'm completely head over heels for him. We're very affectionate and loving toward eachother, so no improvements needed there. However, I'm going to work on showing Dan more appreciation for being such a great husband and friend. I realize how blessed we are to have found eachother so young.

I feel bad about not going to church more than I do. For a while Dan and I were going on a somewhat of a regular basis, but we've just gotten lazy. I keep thinking about when we have children and how we'll want to go to church as a family every week. How will we go as a family if we're not even going now? I definitely want to improve my church attendance with the coming of the New Year. I need to set the alarm on Sunday and stop the groaning. After all, the early bird does catch the worm. ;)
I love my job! I put my heart and soul into my job because I love teaching. For 2006, I'll continue to think of new fun and creative ways to teach my students. I won't stray away from pursuing a lesson because of massive prep time! I'd also like to push myself to answer a difficult career effecting question: Public or parochial? If I plan on making a move to teach in the public schools, I need to do so soon. If I worked at a public school, my salary would increase by about twelve thousand dollars! On the flip side, I love teaching religion and am fortunate enough to be teaching the grade I believe to be my calling. Go Kindergarten! These are just a few of the factors that are involved in this decision making process. Wish me luck! ;)
Family and Friends

Anybody who knows me, knows that I'm really not a phone person. It's terrible, but sometimes I don't even answer my cell when it rings or even call back until the next day. I'd like to get rid of that bad phone etiquette. Although I'm not a big phone person, I do believe it is important to keep close touch with those you love. I'd like to make an effort this year to call my family and friends more. (The above picture is of Brooke and I when I was about twelve and she ten...oh how time flys!)
I love working out, but life gets so busy that I neglect my "me time", which is time I truly enjoy for myself. I'd like to set a realistic gym schedule for myself.
My dear older sister, Breain, introduced me into the wonderful world of blogging. I know that my writing doesn't get a lot of comments or outside attention, but it's important to me. I like having a "journal" to share with family, friends and acquaintances. I'm going to try to be more of a consistent blogger. Thank you all for reading and taking an interest in what's going on with me. ;)

I want to work on being smarter with my finances. With that I mean, reading the Suze Orman book that Frema bought for me. Dan and I really want to be in a house within the next few years and I want to be readily prepared and educated for this huge step in our lives. Thanks Frema! I love you.
Well bloggers of the world, HAPPY NEW YEAR! Eat, drink and be merry in the comin of 2006! God bless you all and thanks for reading Sam In The City! ;)
At 2:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Sam. I love reading your blog. I don't care much for phones either, but I love the Internet. I enjoy e-mail, but this blogging allows us to keep up with the activities and thoughts of people that we do not see very often or sometimes people that we don't even know.
I hope that 2006 is great for you and your hubby, Dan.
At 6:43 PM,
Sambo V. said…
Thanks Molly! I love that you read my blog. ;) Happy, Happy New Year!
At 11:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have read all suzy ormans books. Very good.I love you and have a wonderful New years.
At 8:25 AM,
Luke said…
Happy New Year! I didn't make any resolutions either, but I have set a few goals for myself as well. I have no doubt that you'll achieve all that you want to in 2006.
At 8:28 AM,
Frema said…
What do you mean, this site doesn't get a lot of comments? You've seen my archives. I only got one or two comments on my entries for the whole first year that I blogged. It's only been in the last few months that I've gotten more, but that's also because I read and comment on lots of other blogs. You've seen my sidebar. :)
Anyway, you've had a great year. I know 2006 will be fantastic, too.
At 11:40 AM,
butterflygirl said…
If you have faith, then pray and God will help you in your decison making. I commend you for teaching in a parochial school versus a public school. Suze Orman is great!
At 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy New Year, Sam.
Those thoughts are really right on for significance. You have life figured out. Just keep working on it.
Daddy D.
At 8:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey sam...i was just dropping by checking on your blog and it seems u havent written in a while!!im just letting you know that i love you very much and that you hold a very dear place in my heart, sister. well i hope all your resolutions work out!!
love you,
At 8:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey samantha!! i was just dropping by to your page for a little visit and i noticed you havent written in a while!! shame shame, and what happened to that little resolution of yours (( wink wink ;) ))...well i wanted you to know i love you very much and you are great inspiration to my life sister!!
love you always
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